Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

                       Have you ever get bored when your teachers are explaining to the class? Well, if you are, try doing this 5 things you could do to waste your teachers time:

1)      When your teacher shows a boring video (with a projector) the lights are often turned off. So you just need to take your seat on the corner of the room (at the back), then you can just relax and sleep if possible. To make a precaution you should ask your friend to wake you up when the teacher is walking near you.

2)      When the teacher explains and you don’t like the material, ask the teacher to repeat it, so the repetition gave you about the same time as the explaining time.(don’t do this when your teacher is in a rush on chasing materials for the test)

3)      Ask your friend to ask another question to the teacher about the subject, but not the same as the question that you just ask to the teacher.

4)      Pass notes to your friend rather than talking to him/her. It will reduce your chance of getting caught if you pass it quietly and pass it under the table with only your hand, ONLY YOUR HAND MUST MOVE, and try to act normal when passing the notes. When you’re done, scribble the notes or tear it apart and put it in your pocket for later to throw in the trash bin.

5)      Ask the teacher to talk about subjects the teacher really like, for example sports, and try to do this to a friendly teacher and also try to do it before the class begin. Don’t talk about it when the class already start.

                       Those are 5 ways used to buy a few time at your school. try not doing it to often because the teacher might get curios and know about it and punish the whole class and you will get  bullied or hated by your friends or get called to the principle.so, only do these steps if necessary.

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